Oscar Wilde once said: “Illusion is the first of all pleasures”. Where we can debate the message, I think it’s safe to say that all of us, at one time or another has experienced some form of pleasure from an illusion. Whether it was a hologram, a set of clothing that looked amazing, but was […]
Category: SEO/SEM
How potential customers search for products and services
There is a common misconception among business owners regarding specifics on how potential patrons search for the services and or products their business provides. This falsity has created more than a few sighs and facepalms over the years. In fact, this particular misunderstanding often creates a false impression in terms of where a business thinks […]
Google’s Recent Changes; What Web Design Means To Your Small Business:
Approximately 18 months ago Google hinted in different ways that it would at some point give preference to “responsive” websites. These hints were pretty obvious to some in the web design industry, but went un-noticed by the majority. As the hints continued to drop, many web design companies and IT professionals warned business owners of […]
Google Maps Reviews
Within the puzzle we know as SEO there are many components. The argument of: “Which of these are most important?” will likely continue for decades to come. Some argue that ‘Social Media’ is most important, while others will insist that their business listings in Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yelp top the list. We know that […]
Google, Yahoo, Bing & Yelp for Business
In the highly technical and sometimes confusing world of ‘SEO’, business owners need to understand the necessity of ensuring that their business is listed in the top four major search engines. I call this part of ‘The ‘fundamentals’ of digital marketing’. I liken today’s digital age to the 20th century yellow pages in terms of […]
SEO Tips for Business
Search engine optimization isn’t just a matter of adding keywords and crossing your fingers; there are many factors involved in pushing your website to the top. The search engines want their users (your future customers) to have the best search experience possible, which means the more your website is relevant to a search, the better […]